Teaching Knowledge Test Module 2
Practice Test 1
For questions 1—7, match the learner activities with the appropriate teaching aims listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Teaching aims
A to infer speaker's attitude
B to focus on features of pronunciation
C to give controlled practice of structures
D to give practice in extensive reading
E to practice reading for specific details
F to give freer practice of structures
G to provide practice in using new vocabulary
H to review vocabulary
Learner activities
1 Learners identify the number of syllables in recently taught words.
2 Learners arrange words into the correct form to make cleft sentences.
3 Learners discuss their childhoods after reviewing past tenses.
4 Learners write a self-profile using words the teacher has just presented.
5 Learners write a quiz for their classmates using words from last term.
6 Learners spend twenty minutes reading a graded reader of their choice.
7 Learners listen to a radio talkback show and tick the opinion of each caller.
For questions 8—14, match the textbook rubrics with the activity aims listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Textbook rubrics
8 Find two adjectives for each of the following stress patterns.
9 Complete the grammar rules below using words from the box.
10 Do you enjoy detective fiction? Tell your partner.
11 Listen to the news story and mark each statement True or False.
12 Read the article again, and choose an appropriate title.
13 Identify which of the following expressions are appropriate in a formal letter.
14 Place a tick next to each topic you expect to hear in the programme.
Activity aims
A to practice listening for specific details
B to encourage students to predict new content
C to help students deduce the form of a new structure
D to practice reading for global understanding
E to develop students'awareness of register
F to practice using new vocabulary
G to highlight features of pronunciation
H to personalise a new topic
For questions 15—20, look at the stages and aims from a lesson plan about scientific developments. Two of the aims (A, B and C) in each stage are appropriate. One of the aims is NOT appropriate.
Mark the aim (A, B or C) which is NOT appropriate on your answer sheet.

For questions 21—29, match the information from a lesson plan with the lesson plan headings listed A—E.
Mark the correct letter (A—E) on your answer sheet.
You need to use some options more than once.
Lesson plan headings
A Lesson Aim(s)
B Anticipated Problem(s)
C Anticipated Solution(s)
D Aid(s)/Resource(s)
E Assumption(s)
Information from a lesson plan
21 The task is very challenging because of the new vocabulary.
22 Skip the last two sections of this activity if time is running short.
23 The text contains technical vocabulary that hasn't been covered in the course yet.
24 Articles from the local newspaper.
25 Ask early finishers to check their writing for mistakes.
26 Class set of graded readers.
27 Students already know the past tense so it's not necessary to spend time on it.
28 To raise awareness of marked structures in formal writing.
29 Students have used the process writing approach in previous classes.
For questions 30—36, put the stages (A—H) of a listening skills lesson in order.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
The first stage (A) is done for you. You do not need to use option A again.

For questions 37—41, match the situations in which a teacher sets a test with the reasons for assessment listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do no need to use.
37 A teacher begins a vocabulary lesson on weather with a short quiz. She quickly reviews the results and then decides how to adapt the weather activity in the course book.
38 It's the end of a course. The teacher provides a test and assigns a final grade that will be used to decide whether students should continue in the class or go to a higher level.
39 The students are preparing for a well-known international examination. The teacher provides them with a past paper to complete under test conditions.
40 The teacher sets weekly listening comprehension tests and uses a spreadsheet on his computer to track the grades of each student.
41 The students have recently completed a course book unit on comparatives and superlatives. The teacher gives them a test on this subject.
Reasons for assessment
A to ensure that a curriculum meets a national framework of standards
B to monitor students'progress over time
C to give students feedback on how well they have learned a language point
D to assess learners'overall level of progress
E to identify which aspects of a topic students need to learn
F to ensure students are familiar with a specific test and its procedures
For questions 42—49, match the examples of unit content with the unit headings from a grammar book listed A—I.
Mark the correct letter (A—I) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

For questions 50—56, read the dictionary entry. Match the extracts from the dictionary entry with the information they provide listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Dictionary entry
depict /dI'pIkt/ vt. —to represent in words or by painting; portray: His painting depicts the fall of mankind. —n. de'piction, —adj. de' pictive. From L. dēpictus.

For questions 57—64, match the teachers'needs with the resources listed A—I.
Mark the correct letter (A—I) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A a guide to assessing learners
B a guide to curriculum development
C a resource book with team activities
D a set of graded readers
E a speed-reading course
F a stack of blank flash cards
G a teacher's reference book of grammar
H a video series of informative lectures
I self-study vocabulary worksheets
57 I am about to teach a higher-level class on relative clauses. I want to review aspects of form so that I can answer my students'questions.
58 I want my students to do more extensive reading but native speaker materials are too difficult for them.
59 My director has told me to plan a 10-week beginners'course for a new group of learners.
60 My students seem to spend a lot of time working alone. I want to make my classes more fun and interactive.
61 My students often forget important words from previous lessons. I want my students to record the words they forget and test each other regularly.
62 I want to help my students learn more words but it always seems to take too much time in class.
63 I've been asked to write progress tests for my class. I've never done that before.
64 My students are preparing for university and need to practise their note-taking skills.
For questions 65—72, match the uses of course book materials with the sequence of course book activities listed A, B, C and D on the following page.
Mark the correct letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
You need to use some options more than once.
65 Students are encouraged to personalise the topic.
66 Students learn essential words for the listening task.
67 Students learn useful language in context.
68 Students listen for general understanding.
69 Students practise speaking.
70 Students brainstorm ideas about the topic.
71 Students practise note-taking skills.
72 Students listen for detailed understanding.




For questions 73—80, match the teachers'comments with the resources listed A—I.
Mark the correct letter (A—I) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A games
B graded readers
C DVDs and web-based videos
D grammar reference books
E online news articles
F downloadable worksheets
G realia
H songs
I student-made posters
73 These can be used for listening and speaking, especially to improve pronunciation. Everyone seems to relax and sound much more natural.
74 Teachers often create their own and share them online, so there is a lot of variety. Some are poor quality though, so you have to choose carefully.
75 The visual context helps to show cultural features of communication, such as body language. However, sometimes the language is too difficult for my students.
76 I like these because the students are motivated to produce their own work. They can also be used around the room as a helpful learning tool.
77 These can add a competitive and interactive quality to exercises that can sometimes be dull, such as a grammar review.
78 A lot of printed materials feel old after a few years, but these are always up-to-date. I find it makes my students more motivated to read them.
79 They help my students to be more independent. Students can use these to quickly check a language point during a writing activity, for example.
80 I use these during warmers to get students interested in the topic. For a reading on coffee production, I took a bag of locally grown coffee beans for them to smell!