Practice Test 3
For questions 1—7, match the underlined words in the text below with the grammatical terms listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Grammatical terms
A base form of verb
B noun
C present participle
D subject pronoun
E possessive adjective
F adverb
G past participle
H adjective
I saw Jason (1) coming out of the supermarket when I was on my way home. I waved to him but the traffic was moving (2) fast and he didn't see me on the bus. The last time I saw him, he had just (3) done a ten-kilometre (4) run and was breathless so we didn't talk much. I'll (5) telephone him later and ask him if he'd like to come to (6) my birthday party. We're going to have drinks and an (7) early supper before going to the theatre.
For questions 8—12, match the example sentences with the grammatical terms listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Grammatical terms
A past simple passive
B present perfect continuous
C gerund
D present perfect simple
E present simple passive
F reported statement
8 I'm not very good at singing.
9 The children were asked not to move.
10 He has moved to another town.
11 He told her that she was late.
12 We've been looking for the lost book.
For questions 13—19, match the examples of vocabulary with the categories listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

For questions 20—26, match the minimal pairs of words with the vowel sounds listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

For questions 27—33, match the example sentences with the functions listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A offering
B warning
C describing possibility
D making a suggestion
E describing ability
F asking for advice
G asking for permission
H requesting
Example sentences
27 Is it all right if I'm late home tonight?
28 Let me carry that bag for you—it looks heavy.
29 Could you lock the door on your way out?
30 Let's have a picnic in the park.
31 Look out! There's a car coming.
32 I might visit you in the weekend.
33 My boyfriend can dance really well.
For questions 34—40, match the activities with the subskills listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A drafting
B using a model
C scanning
D reading for gist
E inferring meaning
F summary writing
G prediction
H creative writing
34 writing a short text based on the main points of a longer passage
35 reading quickly to get a general idea of what the text is about
36 writing the first version of an essay
37 making up your own story on a given theme
38 reading a text closely to guess at things the author has not explicitly stated
39 reading through a text quickly to find names and dates
40 writing your own text based on the layout and structure of an ideal version
For questions 41—45, match the teacher's actions with the strategies for motivating learners listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Strategies for motivating learners
A encourage learner autonomy
B build rapport
C help learners to keep track of their progress
D respond to learners'feedback
E personalise the target language
F engage learners'cognitive skills
Teacher's actions
41 The teacher uses word puzzles and problem-solving activities.
42 The teacher learns something about each student's personal life.
43 The teacher organises a review of a grammar item because the class said they found it difficult.
44 The teacher asks students to describe a family member.
45 The teacher records assessment scores on a wall chart.
For questions 46—50, match the learner behaviour with the learning strategies listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Learning strategies
A paraphrasing
B thinking about how to learn
C revising
D accepting peer correction
E keeping a journal
F experimenting with the language
Learner behaviour
46 making a habit of going over vocabulary taught in previous lessons
47 trying out phrases they have heard native speakers use outside the classroom
48 using feedback on mistakes from a higher-level classmate as guidance
49 deciding the best way to group new words for memorisation
50 restating the meaning of a phrase using different words
For questions 51—55, match the activities with the preferred learning styles listed A, B and C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
Learning styles
A impulsive
B analytic
C auditory
51 songs
52 matching exercises
53 unplanned dialogue
54 poems and rhymes
55 cloze tests
For questions 56—61, match the statements with the teaching approaches they describe listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Teaching approaches
A Lexical Approach
B Total Physical Response (TPR)
C Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP)
D Communicative Approach
E Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
F Content-Based Learning
G Guided Discovery
56 Students are introduced to the target language in context, then use it in a controlled way, then in a less controlled manner.
57 Students are encouraged to learn chunks of language as complete units.
58 Teachers organise a lot of pair and group work where the focus is on fluency more than accuracy.
59 The teacher gives the rules only after students have tried to work them out from examples of the target language.
60 The teacher presents language using interesting topics which help students increase their general knowledge.
61 School subjects are taught through the medium of English.
For questions 62—68, match the example situations with the presentation techniques listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Presentation techniques
A concept checking
B eliciting
C defining
D using realia
E modelling
F using guided discovery
G choral drilling
H using visual aids
Example situations
62 The teacher shows five photos of famous buildings during a lesson about architecture.
63 The teacher demonstrates the pronunciation of several new words.
64 The students read a text with all regular verbs in the past tense highlighted. The teacher asks the students to work out how to form the past tense of regular verbs.
65 The teacher reads a short poem and asks the class to repeat it after her, line by line.
66 Students listen to a dialogue and the teacher asks ‘Are they at work or at school?'
67 The teacher asks students to name their favourite foods.
68 During a lesson on comparatives, the teacher shows the class three different-sized disposable coffee cups.
For questions 69—74, match the students'descriptions with the classroom activities listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A making a mind map
B visualisation
C ranking
D gap-fill
E survey
F multiple choice
G mingle
69 We had to ask other students about their likes and dislikes and fill in a questionnaire.
70 We drew diagrams to show the relationships between words.
71 The teacher described a scene and we had to imagine what it was like.
72 We had to choose the best answer from a list of four.
73 We had to walk around the classroom to discuss a topic with lots of other students.
74 We put a list of things in order of importance.
For questions 75—80, match the assessment aims with the assessment types listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Assessment aims
75 to measure how well learners have met the objectives of a task
76 to measure learners'general ability in the use of the language
77 to gather information about how well students have learnt the contents of a course
78 to measure performance based on a systematic collection of students'work
79 to assess a student's current ability and identify areas they need to work on
80 to evaluate progress throughout the course by setting a variety of assessment tasks
Assessment types
A summative assessment
B diagnostic assessment
C continuous assessment
D a placement test
E performance assessment
F portfolio assessment
G a proficiency test