在撰写本书的过程中,我本来需要很多像罗斯腾的朋友那样的人,因为本书的材料涵盖了多种语言写成的文献,包括阿拉米语和梵语。但是现在能找到的通晓多种语言的“马文”(意第绪语里的“专家”“鉴赏家”之意)不如以前那么多了。尽管如此,我的运气并不差,因为许多喜欢为大众读者撰写思想史的著名学者答应阅读部分甚至全部打印稿,让我从他们的专业知识中获益。在向他们致谢之前,我先要声明,书中遗留的错误、缺漏和语法问题都由我本人负责。接下来,我要向以下各位表示感谢。他们是:John Arnold,Peter J.Bowler,Peter Burke,Christopher Chippendale,Alan Esterson,Charles Freeman,Dominick Geppert,P.M.Harman,Robert Johnston,John Keay,Gwendolyn Leick,Paul Mellars,Brian Moynahan,Francis Robinson,James Sackett,Chris Scarre,Hagen Schulze,Robert Segal,Chandak Sengoopta,Roger Smith,Wang Tao,Francis Watson和Zhang Haiyan。在编辑和文字输入方面,我还要向以下人物表示谢意:Walter Alva,Neil Brodie,Cass Canfield Jr.,Dilip Chakrabati,Ian Drury,Vivien Duffield,Hugh van Dusen,Francesco d’Errico,Israel Finkelstein,Ruth Fitzgibbons,Harry Fitzgibbons,David Gill,Eva Hajdu,Diana Harari,Philip Harari,Jane Henderson,David Henn,Ilona Jasiewicz,Raz Kletter,David Landes,Constance Lowenthal,Fiona McKenzie,Alexander Marshack,John Menzies,Patricia Menzies,Oscar Muscarella,Andrew Nurnberg,Joan Oates,Kathrine Palmer,Colin Renfrew,John Russell,Jocelyn Stevens,Cecilia Todeschini,Randall White和Keith Whitelam。如果没有来自三家图书馆的工作人员的帮助,本书不可能写完。它们是:英国剑桥大学的哈登人类学和考古学图书馆、伦敦图书馆、伦敦大学东方与非洲研究所图书馆。对它们的帮助,我至为感激。
按照作者/编者的姓氏字母顺序排列,它们依次为:Harry Elmer Barnes,An Intellectual and Cultural History of the Western World;Isaiah Berlin,The Sense of Reality;Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane(editors),Modernism:A Guide to European Literature,1890—1930;Jacob Bronowski and Bruce Mazlish,The Western Intellectual Tradition;Edwin Bryant,The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture;James Buchan,The Capital of the Mind;Peter Burke,Culture and Society in Renaissance Italy;J.W.Burrow,The Crisis of Reason:European Thought,1848—1914;Norman Cantor,The Civilisation of the Middle Ages;Ernst Cassirer,The Philosophy of the Enlightenment;Jacques Cauvin,The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture;Owen Chadwick,The Secularisation of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century;Marcia Colish,Medieval Foundations of the Western Intellectual Tradition,400—1400;Henry Steel Commager,The Empire of Reason;Alfred W.Crosby,The Measure of Reality:Quantification and Western Society;Georges Duby,The Age of the Cathedrals;Mircea Eliade,A History of Religious Ideas;Henri F.Ellenberger,The Discovery of the Unconscious;J.H.Elliott,The Old World and the New;Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin,The Coming of the Book;Valerie Flint,The Imaginative Landscape of Christopher Columbus;Robin Lane Fox,The Unauthorised Version;Paula Fredericksen,From Jesus to Christ;Charles Freeman,The Closing of the Western Mind;Jacques Gernet,A History of Chinese Civilisation;Marija Gimbutas,The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe:6500 to 3500 BC;Edward Grant,God and Reason in the Middle Ages;Peter Hall,Cities in Civilisation;David Harris(editor),The Origins and Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Eurasia;Alvin M.Josephy(editor),America in 1492;John Keay,India:A History;William Kerrigan and Gordon Braden,The Idea of the Renaissance;Paul Kriwaczek,In Search of Zarathustra;Thomas Kuhn,The Copernican Revolution;Donald F.Lach,Asia in the Making of Europe;David Landes,The Wealth and Poverty of Nations;David Levine,At the Dawn of Modernity;David C.Lindberg,The Beginnings of Western Science;A.O.Lovejoy,The Great Chain of Being;Ernst Mayr,The Growth of Biological Thought;Louis Menand,The Metaphysical Club:A Story of Ideas in America;Steven Mithen,The Prehistory of the Mind;Joseph Needham,The Great Titration;Joseph Needham et al.,Science and Civilisation in China;Hans J.Nissen,The Early History of the Ancient Near East;Anthony Pagden,The Fall of Natural Man and People and Empires;J.H.Parry,The Age of Reconnaissance;L.D.Reynolds and N.G.Wilson,Scribes and Scholars;E.G.Richards,Mapping Time:The Calendar and Its History;Richard Rudgley,The Lost Civilisations of the Stone Age;H.W.F.Saggs,Before Greece and Rome;Harold C.Schonberg,Lives of the Composers;Raymond Schwab,The Oriental Renaissance;Roger Smith,The Fontana History of the Human Sciences;Richard Tarnas,The Passion of the Western Mind;Ian Tattersall,The Fossil Trail;Peter S.Wells,The Barbarians Speak;Keith Whitelam,The Invention of Ancient Israel;G.J.Whitrow,Time in History;Endymion Wilkinson,Chinese History:A Manual。