About the Reviewers
Pralie is currently a game and level design student and independent game developer. She has been studying both game and level design extensively for the past two years, and more recently became an indie developer at her own studio, Katastrophe Games. Although she has only been working in the Unreal Development Kit for almost two years, she has quickly become proficient and now offers guidance to fellow UDK users. On her blog and in her UDK workshop videos, she explains her level design process and offers advice to other students, indies, and anyone working in UDK.
After graduating with a Bachelor in Computer Science, Daniel decided to work on games independently. He started his career by working on several mods for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion game. Shortly after that, he became part of the Ultima Return team and contributed to writing Ultima systems into the Neverwinter Nights 2 engine. At around the same time he decided to get cracking with the newly released UDK and he has been using it ever since. With the release of UDK-Mobile, Daniel has a couple of projects in the works that are sure to be a treat. He also recently won the local Microsoft Imagine Cup competition and third place in the world final People's Choice awards with a game he developed called Tale of a Tree Wisp.
Matt Lefevere is a level designer with experience working with each generation of the Unreal Engine. He is active in the Unreal community working as a level designer and scripter on UDK games such as Angels Fall First: Planetstorm and Tactical Assault. His portfolio is located at http://mattlefevere.daportfolio.com/. Matt is a graduate of George Mason University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Management. He is a lifelong musician, with experience performing percussion, piano, and guitar.
Kyle Umbenhower is a level designer at the Guildhall at SMU, graduating in December of 2011. He worked as a designer and scripter for Barking Lizard Technologies, on an unannounced iPhone game. You can see Kyle's work at www.umbygames.com.