How to do it...
The application that we are going to create is a book catalog management system. It will keep a record of books that were published, who the authors were, the reviewers, publishing houses, and so forth. We will name our project BookPub, and apply the following steps:
- First let's switch to the full version by clicking the link below the Generate Project alt + button
- Choose Gradle Project at the top
- Use Spring Boot version 2.0.0(SNAPSHOT)
- Use the default proposed Group name: com.example
- Enter bookpub for an Artifact field
- Provide BookPub as a Name for the application
- Specify com.example.bookpub as our Package Name
- Select Jar as Packaging
- Use Java Version as 8
- Select the H2, JDBC, and JPA starters from the Search for dependencies selection so that we can get the needed artifacts in our build file to connect to an H2 database
- Click on Generate Project alt + to download the project archive