Setting up dependencies and configuration
Initially, before implementing the domain model, the dependencies and configuration class need to be specified. The following Maven starter dependency and H2 database dependency need to be included:
The following RepoConfig is used, which enables JPA Auditing (here auditing means tracking and logging events related to entities, such as createdBy for the Comment entity); this will enable auditing of the created date and created a user of an entry in the table:
public class RepoConfig {
The following configuration properties in the application.properties file need to be set to configure DataSource:
The preceding configuration does the following:
- Uses spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto to set automatically generate Data Definition Language (DDL) SQL
- Uses spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.format_sql to format SQL generated in a visually pleasing manner
- Uses spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.show_sql to show the SQL generated
- Uses spring.datasource.driver-class-name to set org.h2.Driver as the database driver
- Uses spring.datasource.url to set the JDBC URL
- Uses spring.datasource.username to set the username for the H2 database
- Uses spring.datasource.password to set the password for the H2 database
For the complete set of Spring Boot Database configurations, the following documentation URL can be used: