Hands-On Data Science with R

About the authors

Vitor Bianchi Lanzetta (@vitorlanzetta) has a master's degree in Applied Economics (University of São Paulo—USP) and works as a data scientist in a tech start-up named RedFox Digital Solutions. He has also authored a book called R Data Visualization Recipes. The things he enjoys the most are statistics, economics, and sports of all kinds (electronics included). His blog, made in partnership with Ricardo Anjoleto Farias (@R_A_Farias), can be found at ArcadeData dot org, they kindly call it R-Cade Data.

I'd like to thank God and my family, especially my caring parents, Naide and Carmo, and my wonderful sister, Gabriela. I love you all beyond measure.

Nataraj Dasgupta is the vice president of advanced analytics at RxDataScience Inc. Nataraj has been in the IT industry for more than 19 years, and has worked in the technical and analytics divisions of Philip Morris, IBM, UBS Investment Bank, and Purdue Pharma. At Purdue Pharma, Nataraj led the data science division, where he developed the company's award-winning big data and machine learning platform. Prior to Purdue, at UBS, he held the role of Associate Director, working with high-frequency and algorithmic trading technologies in the foreign exchange trading division of the bank.

I'd like to thank my wife, Sara, for her caring support and understanding as I worked on the book at weekends and evenings, and to my parents, parents-in-law, sister, and grandmother for all their support, guidance, tutelage, and encouragement over the years. I'd also like to thank Packt, especially the editors, Tushar Gupta, and Karan Thakkar, and everyone else in the team, whose persistence and attention to detail has been exemplary.

Ricardo Anjoleto Farias is an economist who graduated from the Universidade Estadual de Maringá in 2014. In addition to being a sports enthusiast (electronic or otherwise) and enjoying a good barbecue, he also likes math, statistics, and correlated studies. His first contact with R was when he embarked on his master's degree, and since then, he has tried to improve his skills with this powerful tool.

I am grateful to my family, mainly my parents, for their support during the difficult moments. I would also like to thank my friend and the book's co-author, Vitor Bianchi Lanzetta , who has taught me a lot, both academically and personally.