Python Data Mining Quick Start Guide

About the author

Nathan Greeneltch, PhD is a ML engineer at Intel Corp and resident data mining and analytics expert in the AI consulting group. He’s worked with Python analytics in both the start-up realm and the large-scale manufacturing sector over the course of the last decade. Nathan regularly mentors new hires and engineers fresh to the field of analytics, with impromptu chalk talks and division-wide knowledge-sharing sessions at Intel. In his past life, he was a physical chemist studying surface enhancement of the vibration signals of small molecules; a topic on which he wrote a doctoral thesis while at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. Nathan hails from the southeastern United States, with family in equal parts from Arkansas and Florida.

I'd like to thank my loving wife, Lei-Ann, who encouraged me from conception to completion of this book. It would not have been written without her. Also, I'd like to thank the students and colleagues that contributed to the narrative style and teaching methods I've adopted over the years. The list is long, but to name a few: Martin, Michael, Liu, Nan, Preethi, and Britt. Lastly, thank you to my family for supporting me and injecting the perspective that I share in this book.