


1. 燕山大学里仁学院电气工程系,秦皇岛市,066000;

2. 燕山大学里仁学院机械工程系,秦皇岛市,066000



Design and research of a multi-system integratedmaterial handling robot

Wang Kunyu1,Zhu Jiachen2

1. Yanshan University, Department of Electrical Engineering Liren College, Qinhuangdao City, 066000;

2. Yanshan University,Department of Mechanical Engineering Liren College, Qinhuangdao City, 066000

Abstract:Material handling robot can accomplish high-risk and repetitive work. Under the background of the aging society, an intelligent material handling robot based on multi-system integration is studied and designed. It integrates many processors such as PLC and stm32. The robot can walk independently in a designated site, obtain the handling task by scanning the two-dimensional code on the inventory, independently find and identify the material specified by the task, and carry it to the designated storage place according to the requirements. The robot uses D-H manipulator to model, obtains the production parameters of the manipulator on the basis of MATLAB modeling, uses Solidworks to carry out three-dimensional modeling design, and preliminarily fabricates. Some part of the manipulator through three-dimensional printing. The robot Uses modular programming and PLC to realize its path planning. Combined with OpenCV vision system module and deep learning algorithm, the accuracy of robot handling and grasping is improved. With the help of multi-system modular control, it has comprehensive advantages, can improve work efficiency and enhance adaptability, also has high production application value.

Keywords:Intelligent material handling; PD controls the robotic arm; PLC path planning;OpenCV visual recognition; D-H robotic arm modeling; Deep learning algorithm; Multi-system modular control;I-nigma reader