According to the requirements of Document JIANBIAO[2005]No.124 issued by the Ministry of Construction(MOC)-Notice on Printing and Distributing'the Development and Revision Plan(second batch)of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2005',this code is prepared and completed jointly by ACRE Coking & Refractory Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd.and relevant companies.
This code is reviewed and finalized after repeated discussion and earnest revision on be basis of deep investigation and study,earnest conclusion of the design experiences of coking technology over many years,absorbing the new technology and achievements of coking technology in China and abroad of recent years and soliciting opinions from all sides during preparation of this code.
The code consists of eight chapters,covering:General provisions,Terminologies,General requirements,Requirement on raw material and fuel,Coke oven,C.D.Q,Emission control,Electric and automation.
The provisions printed in bold type are mandatory ones and must be implemented strictly.
This code is under the jurisdiction of,and its mandatory provisions are interpreted by the Ministry of Construction.ACRE Coking and Refractory Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd.is in charge of the explanation of technical specifications.If it is found necessary to make any amendment or supplement during implementation of this code,relevant comments and recommendations,whenever necessary,should be submitted to Quality of Science and Technology Department,ACRE Coking and Refractory Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd.(Address:No.27,Shenglinan Road,114002,Anshan,Liaoning,China),for reference of next revision.
Chief Development Organization:
ACRE Coking and Refractory Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd.
Participating Development Organizations:
Main Chemical Plant of New Iron and Steel Company,Ltd.,Angang Group
Coking Company Ltd.,Wuhan Iron and Steel Group
Chief Drafting Staff:
Yu Zhendong Cai Chengyou Wang Mingdeng Ma Xibo Liu Zhiping
Zhang Changqing Sun Bingxia Jiang Ning Wang Man Li Gang
Liu Bing Wang Liang Chen Bencheng Wang Chong Mou Weiguo
Fang Liming Zhang Xiaoguang Chen Baoxin Yang Hua Liu Chengzhi
Yang Junfeng Yin Junxian Ling Dan Wu Jian He Ping
Ma Guangquan