1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code is prepared with a view to strengthen the quality management,unite the quality acceptance and guarantee the quality of palletizing mechanical equipment installation.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the quality acceptance of new construction,renovation and extension of palletizing mechanical equipment installation.
1.0.3 The demands for quality of palletizing mechanical equipment installation in technical documents,contract and so on must not be below requirements of this code.
1.0.4 This code specifies basic technical requirements of palletizing mechanical equipment installation.When this code is in conflict with relevant national laws and administrative regulations,national laws and administrative regulations shall be obeyed.
1.0.5 In addition to meet the requirements of the quality acceptance of palletizing mechanical equipment installation engineering stipulated in this code,those stipulated in the current relevant standards of the nation shall be complied with.