1.Yu-Wai-Man P,Turnbull DM,Chinnery PF.Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. J Med Genet,2002,39(3):162-169.(就LHON分子遗传学机制进行了综述)
2.Caporali L,Maresca A,Capristo M,et al. Incomplete penetrance in mitochondrial optic neuropathies. Mitochondrion,2017,36:130-137.(就LHON外显不全可能机制进行了综述)
3.Ji Y,Zhang AM,Jia X,et al. Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups M7b102 and M8a Affect Clinical Expression of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy in Chinese Families with the m.11778G/A Mutation. Am J Hum Gene,2008,83(6):760-768.(报告了携带11778点突变中国人单体型特点)
4.Zhang J,Zhao F,Fu Q,et al. Mitochondrial haplotypes may modulate the phenotypic manifestation of the LHON-associated m.14484T>C(MT-ND6)mutation in Chinese families.Mitochondrion,2013,13(6):772-778.(报告了携带14484点突变汉族人单体型特点)
5.Ji Y,Liang M,Zhang J,et al. Mitochondrial haplotypes may modulate the phenotypic manifestation of the LHON-associated ND1 G3460A mutation in Chinese families. J Hum Gene,2014,59(3):134-140.(报告了携带3460点突变汉族人单体型特点)
6.Lenaers G,Hamel C,Delettre C,et al. Dominant optic atrophy. Orphanet J Rare Dis,2012,7(9):46.(对常染色体视神经萎缩相关基因进行综述)
7.Del Dotto V,Mishra P,Vidoni S,et al. OPA1 Isoforms in the Hierarchical Organization of Mitochondrial Functions. Cell Rep,2017,20,19(12):2557-2571.(介绍了OPA1蛋白的功能和OPA1蛋白8种转录本功能的异同点)
8.Chen J,Xu K,Zhang X,et al. Mutation screening of mitochondrial DNA as well as OPA1 and OPA3 in a Chinese cohort with suspected hereditary optic atrophy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,2014,55(10):6987-6995.(研究了国内大样本量的遗传性视神经病变基因型与表型关系)