Text I
1.One of the unintended side effects of the invention of the telephone was that writing went out of style. (Para. 1): 电话的发明,产生了一个始料不及的后果,书写过时了。go out of style“不再时兴,过时”,如:Long skirts have gone out of style. 长裙已经过时了。
2....likens netwriting to the literary scene Mark Twain discovered in San Francisco in the 1860s... (Para. 3): 将网络写作喻为马克·吐温在19世纪60年代在旧金山所发现的文学景象。
①liken to“与…相比,把…比作”,如:Life can be liken to a journey with an unknown
②Mark Twain马克·吐温(1835—1910),美国著名作家和演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。马克·吐温一生写了大量作品,题材涉及小说、剧本、散文、诗歌等各方面。马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,被誉为“美国文学史上的林肯”。代表作品有《百万英镑》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》。
3.Others hark back to Tom Paine and the Revolutionary War pamphleteers, or even to the Elibethan era, ... (Para. 3): 更有甚者,有人想起了汤姆·潘恩和美国革命时期政治小册子作家,甚至还想起了伊丽莎白一世时期。
①hark back to“与(过去的某事物)类似;回想,使想起”,如:Some old people always hark back to how things were 30 years ago.有些老年人总是喜欢重提三十年前的状况。
②Tom Paine托马斯·潘恩(1737—1809),英裔美国思想家、作家、政治活动家、理论家、革命家、激进民主主义者。美国独立战争期间,他撰写的小册子《常识》极大地鼓舞了北美民众的独立情绪,也被视为美国开国元勋之一。后来受到法国大革命影响,潘恩撰写了《人的权利》,成为启蒙运动的指导作品之一。
4.But such comparisons invite a question... (Para. 4): 可是这种比较又引出一种问题。注意invite在此句中的特殊意义,意为“引起;酿成;招致”,如:Their refusal to compromise will inevitably invite more criticism from the UN.他们的拒绝让步将不可避免地招致来自联合国的更多批评。此外,invite较为特殊的义项还有“吸引;引诱;诱使;怂恿;哄骗”,如:The beauty of the city invites me to a longer stay. 这座城市的美丽吸引我多呆上一段时间。
5.They’re not to have and hold; they are to fire and forget. (Para. 5):它们不用储存保留,而是字母读音相同,如本句中的have和hold,fire和forget。采用押头韵的修辞手法,可以加强话语节奏,让语言具有一种形式美。最常见的押头韵的短语有:first and foremost(首先)、(with) might and main(尽全力地)、saints and sinners(圣人与罪人)、(in) weal and (or) woe(无论是福是祸)等。
6....it takes a hell lot of work to get published, which naturally weed out a lot of the garbage. (Para. 6): 文学作品要出版,要做非常辛勤的劳动,这自然就剔除了大量的垃圾。weed out“清除;淘汰;除去”,如:We have to weed out unqualified applicants. 我们必须淘汰不合格的申请人。
7.“He did, and blew them all away.” (Para. 7):他不但发表了自己的诗作,还把他们全都镇住了。blow away通常意为“吹走;驱散”,如:The wind has blew away the cigar smoke.风吹散了雪茄的烟雾。在这句话中,blow away意义特殊,意为“给…留下深刻印象;产生强烈影响”,如:I was blown away by the tone and the quality of the story.我深深地被故事的基调和格调所打动。blow away 还有“使(希望等)告吹;击败”的义项,如:All the efforts have been blown away. 所有的努力都告吹了。
8.Unless they adjust to the new medium, professional writers can come across as self-important blowhards in debates with more nimble networkers. (Para. 10): 职业作家如不根据这种新媒介与时俱进,作出调整,要与反应敏捷的网络写手一争高下,只能沦为自以为是的吹牛狂人。come across在这句话中意义较为特殊,意为“看上去似乎是;给人留下…印象”,如:When sober, he can come across as an extremely pleasant and charming young man.在他不醉酒的时候,他给人的印象可能会是一位极其可爱迷人的年轻人。come across常常使用的意思是“偶然碰到;遇见;发现”,如:Perhaps I shall come across him in France. 也许我会在法国遇见他。I came across this book in an old bookstore in London. 我在伦敦一家旧书店里发现了这本书。特殊的义项还有“讲得清楚明白,可理解;有说服力”,如:Your speech didn’t come across; nobody understood your opinion.你的演说讲得不明不白,没有人能听懂你的意思。
9.There are a bunch of hacker kids out there who can string a sentence together better than their blue-blooded peers... (Para. 10): 网上有一帮黑客青年,他们的串字水平远远高于那些出身名校的同龄人。blue-blooded意为“贵族的;出身名门的”,如:As a blue-blooded politician from a hugely wealthy family, he did not want to be involved in this scandal. 作为一名出身于豪门富户的贵族政客,他并不想被卷入这场政治丑闻中。
10.But it would be a mistake to dismiss the computer-message boards or to underestimate the effect a lifetime of dashing off E-mail will have on a generation of young writers. (Para. 13): 可是话说回来,无视电脑信息板的存在,或者低估一辈子匆匆撰写电邮的生活对青年一代作家的影响,都将是错误的。dash off“匆忙完成;急匆匆地写”,如:I must dash off a few letters before I go out. 在我出去前,必须赶写几封信。
Text II
1.Then I felt a pang... (Para. 2): Then I felt a sudden strong feeling of sadness. 然后我突然感觉很悲伤。pang意为“(肉体上)剧痛;苦闷;(精神上)极度的痛苦”,如:Never had she known such a pang of utter and final hopelessness. It was beyond death, so utterly null, deserted. 她从未尝过这种绝望的滋味,被彻底地遗弃,完全地否定,真是比死亡还痛苦。
2.To top it off, our cell phones ait within easy reach. (Para. 2): 为了省事,手机就放在伸手可及的地方。top off意为“结束;完成(尤指一些决定性举动)”,如:he topped off the affair by committing suicide. 他最终选择自杀来结束这一切。
3....will we be able to kick the habit? (Para. 7): 我们能戒掉这个习惯吗?kick the habit为常用搭配,表示“戒除嗜好;戒掉习惯”,如:To kick the habit for good, you need motivation, dependable support, and sound strategies. 你需要干劲儿、可靠的支持和一个行得通的计划来戒除这个坏习惯。
4.On top of eating up our time and attention, all this connectivity is changing the language we use. (Para. 8): 除了占据我们的时间和精力,这种连通也在改变着我们使用的语言。
①on top of为固定词组,意为“另外”,如:He gets commission on top of his salary. 他除了薪水之外还得到佣金。
②eat up表示“吃光;耗尽”,如:Those stifles can eat up half of your day or more. 这些琐事能花掉你半天甚至更多的时间。