Unit 1
Text I
blitz [blits] n. 闪电式的猛烈空袭;(为某特殊目的而进行的)大肆活动,闪电式行动
vt. 以闪电战攻击
【例句】Enemy bombers carried out a blitz on the city. 敌军轰炸机对这座城市进行了突袭。
rife [raif] adj. 普遍的;流行的;盛传的
【例句】A new form of cancer is running rife throughout the world. 一种新型癌症正在全世界流行。
pawnshop [5pC:nFRp] n. 当铺
【例句】By the time I was eight, I had learned how to take things to the pawnshop. 刚八岁,我已经学会了去当东西。
enterprising [5entEpraiziN] adj. 有事业心的;有进取心的;有魄力的;有胆量的
【例句】It’s very enterprising of them to start up a business like that. 他们那样去开创生意是很有魄力的。
bout [baut] n. 一回,一次,一阵;拳击;摔跤比赛
【例句】①It may be too late to avoid another bout of price rises. 或许想避免下一轮的价格上涨为时已晚。
②He beat his opponent at one bout. 他一下子就打败了对手。
【助记】boat out 出去赛船,比上一回合
meticulously [mI5tIkjJlEsli] adv. 细致地;一丝不苟地;拘泥地
【例句】The painter meticulously drew the facial expression of the figure to reveal his personality. 画家对老农面部作了极为精细的刻画,展现了他的个性。
attire [E5taiE] n. 服装;盛装
vt. 打扮;使穿衣
【例句】The structure of her attire was always elaborate and yet never over-laboured. 她的衣服的款式一向很精致,可又从来不过分着意。
scrimp [skrimp] vt. 节省;过度缩减;克扣
vi. 精打细算;吝啬
adj. 吝啬的;不足的
【例句】We have to scrimp and save if we want to buy a decent house in that area.
prescribed [pris5kraibd] adj. 规定的
【例句】This is a prescribed course which spreads over two semesters. 这是门两个学期学完的必修课。
blazer [5bleizE] n. 燃烧体;宣布者;颜色鲜明的运动上衣
【例句】The distinctive cut or style of a blazer jacket remains the same, but it will not always be in fashion.
rationing [5rAFEniN] n. [计划] 定量配给
【例句】The Government may have to introduce petrol rationing. 政府可能不得不实行汽油限量供应。
relax [ri5lAks] v. 使放松,轻松;使缓和,减轻;放宽,松懈
【例句】You must not relax your efforts for a moment. 你要努力,一刻也不能松懈。
【词组】relax oneself 放松自己;放松某人自己
【派生】relaxation n. 放松;缓和;消遣
assembly [E5sembli] n. 集合,会合;议会
【例句】This is the assembly line. 这是装配线。
comply [kEm5plai] v. 同意,遵从,依从,应允
【例句】The patient complied with the physician’s orders. 病人遵从医生的嘱咐。
【词组】comply with同意,答应;遵守,服从
adore [E5dC:] v. 敬慕,钟爱,崇拜;(infml) 很喜欢
【例句】He adores the cinema. 他非常爱看电影。
horrid [5hCrid] n. 恐怖的,可怕的
【例句】Don’t be so horrid. 别这样叫人厌恶!
well-meaning [wel5mi:niN] adj. 善意的;好心的
【例句】He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader. 他是位有善意却没有效率的领导。
ritual [5ritjuEl] adj. 仪式的,祭典的
n. 仪式,祭典;惯例
【例句】There they are engaged in an entirely different ritual. 在那里,他们执行一套完全不同的仪式。
【助记】来自rite( n. 仪式),仪式(rite)要正确(right)
【派生】ritually adv. 仪式上地;依据仪式上地
rite n. 仪式;惯例,习俗;典礼
blinkered [5bliNkEd] adj. 心胸狭隘的;思路狭窄的
【例句】He will not carry a blinkered vision of history to treat this subject.他不会带有心胸狭隘的历史观来看待这个问题。
hard-nosed [hB:d5nEuzd] adj. 顽固的;精明的;讲究实际的;嗅觉不好的
【例句】He was a conservative, and hard-nosed about many things. 他是个保守主义者,而且对很多事情看法很顽固。
mortify [5mC:tifai] vt. 抑制;苦修;使…感到屈辱
vi. 禁欲;苦行;约束
【例句】Forgetting the introductory remarks really mortified me. 忘记了开场白真使我窘迫。
fuel [fjuEl] n. 燃料,养料
v. 给……加燃料,加油
【例句】①Gas and coal are fuels. 煤气和煤都是燃料。
②All aircraft must fuel before a long flight. 所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行。
temptress [5temptris] n. 引诱男人的女性
【例句】Jolie played an attractive young temptress in this largely forgettable road movie.
trim [trim] adj. 整齐的,整洁的
vt. 整理,修整;修剪
n. 整理,装饰;整齐
【例句】She trimmed his hair. 她替他修剪头发。
【词组】trim sth (with sth.) 装饰某物
be in/get into trim 准备好;健康适宜
trim down 裁减
trim off 修剪
【助记】tree + 音:木,树木需要经常修剪;音:垂幕,弄得整整齐齐的。
torment [5tC:ment] v. 折磨,(使)痛苦;纠缠,戏弄
n. 令人痛苦的东西(人),折磨者;痛苦,苦恼
【例句】He tormented himself with doubting his ability. 他总是怀疑自己的能力,十分苦恼。
emerald green [5emErEld ^ri:n] 鲜绿色
【例句】Sunlight streams between cracks in the ice. Thicker chunks glow emerald green, bejeweled by algae. 阳光在冰缝中穿流,更厚的冰块闪烁着鲜绿色,周围点缀着珠宝般的海藻。
trudge [trQdV] v. 跋涉
n. 长途跋涉;沉重的步伐
【例句】①It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
②Progress was slow as they had to trudge through deep mud.
beady [5bi:dI] adj. 起泡的;饰有珠子的;晶亮如小珠的
【例句】I felt his little beady black eyes were examining me 我感到他那双念珠般乌黑的小眼睛在审视我。
composure [kEm5pEuVE] n. 镇静,沉着,泰然自若
【例句】He showed great composure in a difficult situation. 他在困难环境中表现得极沉着。
【搭配】with composure镇定地
keep [lose] one’s composure保持 [失去] 镇定
recover [regain] one’s composure恢复镇静
downcast [5daunkB:st] adj. 垂头丧气的,(目光)朝下的
【例句】An unhappy life made her downcast. 不愉快的生活使她沮丧。
dejection [di5dVekFEn] n. 沮丧;粪便
【例句】He was leaning against a table in the hall, heavy with dejection or sleep.
thaw [WC:] n. 解冻;缓和
v. (使)融化,解冻;(使)变得友善,变得随和
【例句】The snow is beginning to thaw. 雪已经开始融化。
【词组】thaw out 融化,解冻
buoy [bCi] n. 浮标,浮筒
v. 使浮着;鼓励,支持
【例句】The lake was divided into three areas by the buoys. 湖面由浮标分为三个区域。
forte [fC:t] n. 长处,特长,擅长
【例句】Writing fiction is her forte. 写小说是她的专长。
Text II
compliment [5kCmplimEnt] n. 恭维,称赞
v. 称赞
【例句】She received many compliments. 她受到了许多人称赞。
【词组】compliment someone on 称赞某人的…
【助记】源自comply 顺从别人时的言行;
【派生】complimentary adj. 赠送的;称赞的;问候的
appreciate [E5pri:Fieit] v. 感谢,感激;欣赏,鉴赏;评价,鉴别
【例句】①I really appreciate your help. 我真的很感激你的帮助。
②This land has appreciated in value. 这块土地增值了。
【派生】appreciative adj. 感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的;承认有价值的
appreciation n. 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢
opposition [CpE5ziFEn] n. 反对;反对派;在野党;敌对
【例句】They planned to crush down all opposition. 他们策划镇压一切反动力量。
heal [hi:l] v. (使)愈合,治愈,(使)康复;平息(争吵等);消除;和解
【例句】The wound on my arm has healed. 我胳膊上的伤已治愈了。
【词组】heal up 痊愈;治愈
rigid [5ridVid] adj. 僵硬的,坚挺的;严厉的,刻板的
【例句】She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views. 她是个相当刻板、有着很强宗教观念的人。
【词组】bore sb. rigid使某人腻烦得要命
shake(或scare)sb. rigid把某人吓得浑身僵直
【派生】rigidity n. 硬度;严格,刻板;僵化;坚硬
crust [krQst] n. (面包等)皮,外壳;硬外皮,外壳
【例句】Ice crusted the pond. 冰封池塘。
【派生】crusty adj. 易怒的;执拗的;有壳的;像外壳一样的
tremendous [tri5mendEs] adj. 巨大的,可怕的,惊人的;极其严重的;极好的
【例句】Their son is a tremendous eater. 他们的儿子是一个食量极大的人。
suppressed [sE5presd] adj. 抑制的,发育不全的
v. 镇压,禁止(suppress的过去时和过去分词)
【例句】In her enthusiasm was visible, but it seemed always suppressed and restrained.