Unit 5
Text I
1.volunteer [vRlEn5tIE(r)] v. to give or offer (one’s help, a suggestion, etc) willingly or without being paid自动提供,自愿效劳:How many of them volunteered?他们当中有多少人愿意自愿效劳?
2.profess [prE5fes] v. a) to make a claim声称;宣称;公开表明:They have become what they profess to scorn.他们成了自己曾声称看不起的那种人。b) to have a religion or belief信奉,信仰(某一宗教):He professed Islam.他信仰伊斯兰教。
3.feign [fein] v. a) to pretend to have or be假装,伪装:She knew that her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren’t convincing.她明白自己强作欢颜是瞒不了谁的。b) to make a pretense编造借口:to feign an excuse捏造借口
4.preoccupation [pri(:)7Ckju5peiFEn] n. a) the state of constantly thinking or worrying about something全神贯注,入神:his growing preoccupation with death他对死亡越来越多的关注;b) the top priority, something that you give all your attention to当务之急;使人全神贯注的事物:Their chief preoccupation was how to feed their families.他们关注的首要事情是如何养家糊口。
5.prevarication [pri(:)7vAri5keiFEn] n. the state of avoiding giving a direct answer or making a firm decision支吾,搪塞:But prevarication over the construction of new pipelines has both undermined those threats and exasperated the Chinese.另一方面,其拖延修建新管道一举不仅冲淡了威胁的效力更激怒了中国方面。
6.serial [5siEriEl] adj. of, in or forming a number of things, events, etc. of a similar kind, especially placed or occurring one after another连续的,一系列的:Can you account for the serial failures in our experiment? 你能解释我们实验屡屡失败的原因吗? n. a story that is broadcast or printed in several separate parts on television, in a magazine etc连载小说,电视连续剧,广播连续剧:A new serial is starting on television tonight.今晚电视开播一部新的电视连续剧。
7.ethics [5eWiks] n. moral correctness; moral principles道德规范:The ethics of his profession don’t permit him to do that.他的职业道德不允许他那样做。
8.pundit [5pQndit] n. a person who is an authority on a particular subject; an expect某一学科的权威;专家:The pundit disagree on the best way of dealing with the problem.如何妥善处理这一问题,专家众说纷纭。
9.consultant [kEn5sQltEnt] n. a) a person who gives specialist professional advice to others顾问:He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor.他是市长的一个法律顾问。b) a hospital doctor of a very high rank who has a lot of knowledge about a particular area of medicine高级顾问医生,会诊医生:There’re many consultants in hospital.医院里有很多会诊医生。
10.fib [fib] n. a small unimportant lie小谎,无关紧要的谎话:“I told a fib about my age, ” little Tom said.“有关我的年龄我撒了个谎”,小汤姆说。
11.deceit [di5si:t] n. dishonest act or statement不诚实的行为或言语,诡计:The boy’s deceit made his mother very unhappy.这小孩的欺骗行为使他母亲非常不愉快。
12.lubricant [5lu:brikEnt] n. a substance such as oil which causes a machine to operate more easily润滑油,润滑剂:used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors在核反应堆中作润滑剂和缓和剂。
13.tangle [5tAN^l] v. to make or become a mass of disordered and twisted threads(使)缠结,(使)乱作一团:Long hair tangles easily.长头发容易打结。Don’t try and tangle with him--he is bigger and stronger than you不要和他动手打架――他比你高大强壮。
14.perception [pE5sepFEn] n. a) the ability to see, hear and understand; the quality of understanding感知(能力);觉察(力);知觉:He was a man of keen perception.他是一个感觉敏锐的人。b) the way you think about something and your idea of what it is like认识,观念,看法,见解:What’s your perception of the matter?你对此事有什么看法?
15.warp [wC:p] v. a) to cause to turn or twist out of shape弄弯,变歪:This wood warps easily in damp conditions.这种木料受潮容易变形。b) to influence someone in a way that has a harmful effect on how they think or behave使(行为等)不合情理;使乖戾:You mustn’t allow your dislike of her to warp your judgment你必须不能让自己对她的厌恶之情影响你的判断。
16.proliferation [prEu7lifE5reiFEn] n. a rapid increase in the amount or number of something增殖,迅速增长:A proliferation of regulations and controls sharply increased business costs and introduced distortions.规章制度和控制的广泛施行急剧增加了营业成本,导致了各种失调现象。
17.cynicism [5sinisizEm] n. the belief that people always act selfishly愤世嫉俗;玩世不恭:This cynicism makes today’s young people hard to predict.这种愤世嫉俗的人生观使当今的年轻人难以揣摩。
18.falter [5fC:ltE] v. a) to lose power or strength in an uneven way, thus no longer making much progress蹒跚;摇晃;犹豫;畏缩:He never falters in his determination.他的决心从不动摇。b) to speak in a voice that sounds weak and uncertain, and keeps stopping (嗓音)颤抖,结巴地说;支吾其词:His voice began to falter.他的声音开始发颤。
19.associate [E5sEuFieit] n. a person who is connected to another person as a business partner, colleague, or companion伙伴,同事:My associate and I would be interested in visiting your factory.我的同事和我很想参观你们的工厂。 v. to cause to relate, to connect with使)发生联系,(使)联合;结交,结伙:I don’t associate the two ideas.这两个概念我联系不起来。
20.undermine [7QndE5main] v. to gradually make somebody or something less strong or effective暗中破坏;逐渐削弱:Many severe colds undermined the old man’s health.多次严重的感冒损害了老人的健康。
21.confound [kEn5faund] v. to confuse and greatly surprise people, causing them to be unable to explain or deal with a situation使惊惶;弄糊涂:The extraordinary election results confounded the government.这次不寻常的选举结果使得政府不知所措。
22.astound [Es5taund] v. to make somebody very surprised or shocked, especially with news of something completely unexpected使震惊,使大吃一惊:His practical grasp of affairs and his energy still astound me.他对事物的实际掌握和他充沛的精力实在使我惊异。
Text II
1.conceal [kEn5si:l] v. to hide or cover a fact or feeling隐瞒,隐藏:The proud Ione took care to conceal the anguish she endured.骄傲的伊俄涅小心翼翼地掩饰着内心的痛苦。
2.dwarf [dwC:f] v. to seem very small or insignificant comparing with other things(使)显得矮小,使相形见绌:Shakespeare dwarfs other dramatists.莎士比亚使其他剧作家相形见绌。 adj. much smaller than the usual size矮小的:a dwarf conifer矮小的针叶树
3.uphold [Qp5hEuld] v. a) to defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues to exist支持,维护(正义等):It’s up to the government to uphold the rights of individual citizens.政府有责任维护各个公民的权利。b) if a court upholds a decision made by another court, it states that the decision was correct维持,确认(原判、裁决等)The conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeal.最高法院坚持原判决。
4.deteriorate [di5tiEriEreit] v. to get worse恶化,变坏,退化:Idle houses deteriorate.闲置不用的房子会渗漏衰败。
5.render [5rendE] v. a) to cause someone or something to be in a particular condition使成为;使变得;使处于某状态:He was rendered almost speechless by the news.听到这个消息,他顿时哑口无言。b) to give something to someone or do something, because it is your duty or because someone expects you to报答;归还;给予:It is unlikely that the court will render an opinion before November 5.十一月五号之前法院不太可能提供建议。
6.remaining [ri5meiniN] adj. being left or used剩下的,剩余的:Add the remaining flour to make a soft dough.把剩下的面粉加进去做成一块软面团。
7.eloquent [5elEkwEnt] adj. a) able to express your ideas and opinions well, especially in a way that influences people雄辩的,有口才的,流利的:The defense lawyer made an eloquent plea for his client’s acquittal.被告方的律师为委托人的无罪开释作了有说服力的辩护。b) showing a feeling or meaning without using words清楚表现出来,传神的:These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war.这些废墟形象地提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖。
8.erode [i5rEud] v. a) to decay侵蚀,腐蚀:The coast is slowly eroding.海岸正慢慢地被侵蚀。b) to gradually reduce something such as someone’s power or confidence逐渐毁坏;削弱;损害:Repeated exam failure had eroded her confidence.考试一次次失败,使他逐渐丧失了信心。