第8章 惠特曼和狄金森
8.1 复习笔记
I. Brief Introduction(简介)
Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were two major poets in the late 19th century. The two are of entirely different visions, styles and personalities.
Whitman desired to be a public poet and confidently addressed the public in his poetry, while Dickinson was private to the extent of being a recluse.
The greatness of both poets is well established today and they prove to be the genuine precursors to the most serious modem American poetry.
II. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) (沃尔特·惠特曼)
Whitman was born in 1819 in West Hill, Long Island, into a humble Quaker family. The family moved to Brooklyn in 1822. Whitman did not have too much of a formal education but primarily taught himself by reading and writing and by learning from life. He began working as an office boy at the age of 11. When he was older, he served in various editorial capacities for newspapers in the New York area. Twice he interrupted his editorial work to teach school.
When the Civil War began, he worked as a “wound dresser” in a military hospital. In 1873, he suffered a paralytic stroke and moved to New Jersey where he was taken good care of by his friends and where he spent the remaining years revising his Leaves of Grass.
(1) He shows concern for the whole hard-working people and the burgeoning life of cities.
(2) He advocates the realization of the individual value. Most of the poems in Leaves of Grass sing of the “en-masse” and the self as well.
(3) Pursuit of love and happiness is approved of repeatedly and affectionately in his lines. The individual person and his desires must be respected.
(4) Some of Whitman’s poems are politically committed. Before and during the Civil War, Whitman expressed much mourning for the sufferings of the young lives in the battlefield and showed a determination to carry on the fighting dauntlessly until the final victory. Later, he wrote down a great many poems to air his sorrow over the death of Lincoln, and one of the famous is “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d.”
3.Writing style(写作风格)
(1) Whitman broke free from the traditional iambic pentameter and wrote “free verse”, that is, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.
(2) There is a strong sense of the poems being rhythmical. Parallelism and phonetic recurrence at the beginning of the lines contribute to the musicality of his poems.
(3) Most of the pictures he painted with words are honest, undistorted images of different aspects of America of the day.
(4) Whitman’s language is relatively simple and even rather crude. Another characteristic in Whitman’s language is his strong tendency to use oral English. Whitman’s vocabulary is amazing. He would use powerful, colorful, as well as rarely-used words.
Whitman’s influence over modern poetry is great in the world as well as in America. Whitman has been compared to mountain in American literary history. For his innovations in diction and versification, his frankness about sex, his inclusion of the commonplace and the ugly and his censure of the weakness of the American democratic practice—these have paved his way to a share of immortality in American literature.
Whitman’s poetry also made a huge impact on Chinese new poetry in the May Fourth Movement, especially on Guo Moruo.
5.Major works(主要作品)
Leaves of Grass
“Song of Myself”
“The Poet”
“When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”
“O Captain, My Captain”
“I Hear America Singing”
“There was a Child Went Forth”
“Out of Cradle Endlessly Rocking”
Two Riverlets
Drum Traps
6.Appreciation of Works(选读作品)
◆“Song of Myself” (《自我之歌》)
Whitman extols the ideals of equality and democracy and celebrates the dignity, the self-reliant spirit, and the joy of the common man, “Song of Myself” reveals a world of equality, without rank and hierarchy.
◆“I Sit and Look Out” (《坐观世间》)
It reveals the sorrows and miseries of the world which deeply shock the poet’s heart. The last line “See, hear, and am silent” shows the poet’s attitude towards this sorrowful world, which we can understand in two ways: on the one hand, the poet has no idea about these sorrows and he can only see, hear, and keep silent; on the other hand, although these sorrows seem to be overwhelming, the poet still cherishes hopes and believes that people can go through.
III. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) (艾米莉·狄金森)
Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts and lived there all her life. Emily attended Amherst-Academy and South Hadley Female Seminary (known today as Mount Holyoke College). After she turned 26 and after her father’s death, Emily lived the life of a recluse in Amherst.
Emily was in frail health most of her life and she died of Bright’s disease.
2.Themes of Writing(写作主题)
(1) Based on her own experiences, joys or sorrows, she writes about doubt and belief about religious subjects, suffering and frustration caused by love, success and failure.
(2) The largest portion of Dickinson’s poetry concerns death and immortality. For Dickinson, death leads to immortality.
(3) Dickinson sees nature as both gaily benevolent and cruel.
(4) On the ethical level, Dickinson holds that beauty, truth and goodness are ultimately one.
(5) She emphasizes free-will and human responsibility.
(1) The visual appearance of her poems: short phrases and words separated and joined by dashes. It is such pauses that create a highly individualized and flexible rhythm and convey the poet’s vision.
(2) Her poetry abounds in telling images. In the best of her poems, every word is a picture. So she is regarded as the precursor of Imagism poetry.
(3) Her poetic idiom is noted for its conciseness, directness and plainest words.
(4) Dickinson’s poems are usually short, and the first line of Dickinson’s poems is used to be the title.
(5) The capital letters in her poems are used for emphasis.
4.Major Works(主要作品)
“The Soul selects her own Society”
“My life closed twice before its close”
“Because I could not stop for Death”
“I heard a fly buzz when I died”
“Mine—by the Right of the White Election”
“Wild Nights—Wild Nights”
“Death is a Dialogue between”
“I died for Beauty—but was scarce”
5.Appreciation of Works(作品赏析)
◆ “I taste a liquor never brewed” (《我品尝味酿之酒》)
The “liquor” in this poem refers to nature, by which the poet is very fascinated and enchanted. Dickinson uses the metaphor or intoxication to express how the beauty of nature cheers her up.
◆“I felt a Funeral, in my Brain” (《在脑海,我感受到了——葬礼》)
This poem shows the poet’s mind state in a very obvious and concrete way.
◆“A Bird came down the Walk—”(《一只鸟儿停在道上——》)
It is a keen observation of the poet when she sees the bird on the road and she tries to feed it some crumb, but it has some kind of fear and flies away.
◆“I heard a fly buzz— when I died—”(《我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声——当我死时——》)
It depicts the subtle and sensitive feelings and thought of the speaker at the moment of dying.
◆“Because I could not stop for Death—”(《因为我不能等待死神——》)
In this poem, Dickinson reveals the theme of the poem by describing death and immortality in the dominate metaphor of a carriage on a journey.