第2部分 美国浪漫主义时期:1815-1865
第4章 美国浪漫主义时期
4.1 复习笔记
I. Overview of the Age(时代概观)
Historical Background(历史背景)
(1) The war with Britain in 1812 freed the United States from the danger of foreign domination. In the years afterwards, the country lived more to itself. Contact with Europe was slighter. Consular and diplomatic exchanges were few.
(2) The attention of Americans that was turned to internal exploration and expansion encouraged the impulse towards self-definition, hence nationalism.
(3) Nationalism often goes hand in hand with romanticism. But the special psychological make-up of American nationalism also gave American romanticism its own particular characteristics.
Features of Romantic Literature(浪漫主义文学特点)
(1) Since the United States had achieved a workable democracy and since the frontier movement towards the West kept working conditions relatively good, American romanticism did not have the political radicalism as seen in European romanticists.
(2) The romantic celebration of natural beauty was inspired in part by a desire to establish an original relationship with the “new” landscape.
(3) Even though there was the desire to be less European, the United Sates as a young country could not be quite free of a sense of inferiority or “colonial complex” in the face of Europe.
(4) Literary giants such as Poe, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, and Melville began producing works of great vitality and distinction. Soon, their achievements would be matched by those from Whitman and Dickinson, among others.
II. Romanticism and Cultural Nationalism(浪漫主义与文化民族主义)
“Early Romanticism” (“早期浪漫主义”)
Irving, Cooper and Bryant are regarded as pioneers of American romanticism. Thus, their works and the works of others constituted what is called “early romanticism”.
Features of Romanticism(浪漫主义特点)
(1) Romanticism celebrates the triumph of feeling and intuition over reason. And it is suspicious of the rationalist explanations of the universe and human nature by the Enlightenment writers. Characters in romantic stories sometimes showed extremes of sensitivity, such as fear of the dark and the unknown.
(2) Gothic styles, “oriental” styles and other exotic styles were favored by romanticists.
(3) Romanticism exalted the individual over society, thus showing a strong disliking for the bondage of convention and customs. As it is sometimes the contradiction, nostalgia for the past traditions is also a romantic strain.
(4) Nature is believed to be the source of goodness and the antithesis of society as society tends to be corrupt.
(5) Cultural nationalism—or the proud belief in one’s own cultural genius and heritage—is also a striking characteristic of romanticism.
Features of American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义的特点)
American romantic writers differed from their European counterparts in that they did not show the kind of political radicalism as seen in European romanticism.
Americans developed their romanticism to Transcendentalism, especially in New England, and its distinguished representatives were Emerson and Thoreau.