Anchored at Night by the Maple Bridge
Translated by Tsai Tingkan
The moon is setting, rooks disturb the frosty air,
I watch by mapled banks the fishing-torches flare.
Outside the Suzhou wall, from Hanshan Temple's bell,
I hear its sound aboard and feel its midnight spell.
(rook n.乌鸦 flare n.闪光)
Mooring by the Maple Bridge at Night
Translated by Xu Yuanchong
At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky,
Dimly lit fishing boats' neath maples sadly lie.
Beyond the city walls, from Temple of Cold Hill,
Bells break the ship-borne roamer's dream and midnight still.
(moor v.系住,停泊 streak v.快速移动 roamer n.漂泊者)
Night Moor at Maple Bridge
Translated by Huang Yunte
Moon set, crows caw, frost fills the sky,
River maples, fishing fires, drowsing in sorrow.
Outside Gusu city, the Cold Mountain Temple,
At the middle night bell, arrives the visitors'boat.
(caw v.乌鸦叫 drowsing v.打瞌睡)
The poet stopped his boat at the Maple Bridge in the night outside Suzhou City, indulging himself in a solitary delightful scenery of autumn night and hearing bell ringing from the cold Hill Temple.
从题目的翻译来看,“枫桥”都直译为Maple Bridge,但“泊”字,英译一用anchor,英译二、三用moor,从意义上看,anchor 指抛锚停泊, moor指系住,使停泊。在苏州这种小桥流水的地方,应该是小船系绳停泊,故用moor更好。
“月落乌啼霜满天”,英译一几乎直译:The moon is setting, rooks disturb the frosty air,月亮正在落下,乌鸦的叫声打扰了寒冷的夜空。这里用frosty air替代“霜满天”。
英译二:At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky,这里用cry更能突出“乌啼”的意境。
英译三则用主谓结构来翻译:Moon set, crows caw, frost fills the sky,通过三个动词营造出寂静的画面。黄云特翻译了美国诗人庞德《诗章》,他的翻译带有庞德的风格。
英译一:I watch by mapled banks the fishing-torches flare,我在枫叶岸边看着渔火闪动。
英译二:Dimly lit fishing boats' neath maples sadly lie, dimly lit 和sadly lie 相对应,译出了“愁眠”的心绪。
英译三:River maples, fishing fires, drowsing in sorrow,两个名词短语:river maples, fishing fires; drowsing in sorrow,直译意为在忧伤地打瞌睡,即“对愁眠”,仍是庞德的风格。
英译一:Outside the Suzhou wall, from Hanshan Temple's bell, I hear its sound aboard and feel its midnight spell。
这里一个wall,似乎多此一举,钟声“到客船”,是从远处传到船上。译成I hear则是从船上听到,意境有点不一致。
英译二仍采用意译:Beyond the city walls, from Temple of Cold Hill, Bells break the ship-borne roamer's dream and midnight still。
英译三:Outside Gusu city, the Cold Mountain Temple, At the middle night bell, arrives the visitors'boat。
姑苏城和寒山寺采用了广为人知的译法,Gusu city, the Cold Mountain Temple,比较完整。
关键的“到”字是翻译的难点,三个译文分别用了I hear、break、arrive。I hear没有钟声传到之意;break 打破了船上旅客的梦,既体现夜的寂静,又衬托诗人的苦闷心情,非常传神;arrive 一词客观地写出了钟声传到船上的动作。