Dr. Li Liu had a wonderful idea when she decided to listen and observe carefully her daughter Chloe's development of ways of speaking. And Dr. Liu is the right mother to do this, because she herself is a professional listener and observer, someone trained to pay attention not only to what people say but to the whole communication process. How fortunate for us that she decided to use her skills and her sensitivity in recording the communicative conduct of one child from birth to the age of five years. And the story is even more remarkable and more valuable because Chloe was living and learning in two languages, English and Chinese, from birth.
Now other mothers, and perhaps even their children, can read Dr. Liu's stories. They might gain from them some insight into how they grew up to become a communicating adult who uses two languages and thereby uses two ways of speaking and ways of talking about the world. It is so fortunate that from the beginning Dr. Liu set out a simple (but powerful) framework for observation because that framework can guide readers who want to become sensitive observers of their own and others' experiences.
The framework that Dr. Liu used is interesting and remarkable in its own right. It is simple, just four words:“think”,“listen, ” “speak, ” and “read, ” that name four concepts and four communicative activities. That it is so simple means that anyone can grasp—and use—the framework to structure their own observations of children growing up in language and in ways of speaking. And yet the framework is powerful because thinking, listening, speaking, and reading are complex and important activities. They are important in the daily lives of adults, and they are crucial to the linguistic and communicative development of children. If an observer watches and listens to their own thinking, listening,speaking, and reading behavior, and watches and listens to the thinking, listening, speaking, and reading behavior of those around them, they are using a highly useful tool for tracking and making sense of communication in the lives of people.
And the framework is very practical for parents and their children. As Dr. Liu says, the stories she tells might be helpful when other parents and when teachers try to set up language environments for children. Now parents and teachers can use their observations of thinking, listening, speaking, and reading behavior to grasp and take note of the communication stories of the children in their sight and in their care. This is potentially a very valuable contribution to the lives of all of those who live with, care for, and interact with children, regardless of the language(s) they use.
Dr. Gerry Philipsen
Professor Emeritus of Communication
University of Washington