第三节 案例及讨论
案例 给新工厂下试单
对于新工厂来说,一般会先下一些仓存订单,试一下加工厂的技术水平、生产能力和沟通合作能力。本案例中,进口商给出口工厂Ningbo Nollbad下了五个订单。在最后验货阶段,老板Mas让跟单员Joe对下给这个工厂的订单做一个总结,老板所关心的不仅仅是这五个订单的完成情况,他更关心可不可以继续与这个工厂合作。
[第1封,2011年6月30日]Helen向Jin报告新供应商Ningbo Nollbad的质量问题:90%的扣眼不合格、70%的后袋唇弯曲。同时,这个供应商还把订单外发。
Hi Jin,
Attached final report is for new maker Ningbo Nollbad,failed.The main problems are:
1.button hole isn't in center of back pocket opening,also button holes not straight.Can't be fixed and unaccepted(90%).
2.Back reese pockets are curved(70%),can't be overlapped well.
3.Hanging threads(5%).
It's stock order.Order quantity 560+184pcs.The bulk production is sub-contracted,our QC didn't find them during inline.Our QC brought back 1pc bulk problem sample.Pls confirm if we need to send it to Canada office.Tks.
Best regards,
[第2封,2011年6月30日]Joe向Jin介绍在该供应商的订单及存在的问题:PO#053212存在色差问题、PO#053209+53209A存在扣眼和后袋问题。同时,JOE询问Jin pos#053210+053211的质量如何。
Hi Jin,
There are five pos in this factory,po#053209(560pcs)+053210(2992cps)+053211(480pcs)+053212(1464pcs)for USA stock and po#53209(184pcs)Canada stock.
Now we find po#053212 has color shade problem,pos#053209+53209A have button hole position and back pocket problems,how about quality of pos#053210+053211?Vendor told me they want to ship po#053211 earlier with other USA stock.
Hi Joe,
For this afternoon kindly give us a recap of all orders with buyer and cancel date.Pls provide for this afternoon for my records.
Thank you,
[第4封,2011年6月30日]Joe回复:第一,回顾了给该工厂下单日期,接着给出了每个订单的客户、目的地、预计开船日期、最总客户取消订单日期,比如订单PO#053209,L949P/E535,供744件,目的地TBC(To be confirmed,待定),预计开船期7月15日(ETD:estimatied departure date),客人取消订单的日期是7月29日(CXL:cancel);第二,订单PO#053209在5月13日被分成了两个订单;第三,工厂不愿意提面料,E537在4月16日就已经可以发货,但到了4月29日工厂说在没有看到服装原样之前他们不会提货,最后到了5月10日工厂才提面料;第四,工厂的快递要4~6天才能发到,可以看出工厂没有发国际快递的经验;第五,黑色口袋布质量问题,在5月30日收到了工厂送来的代号为K317#148的口袋布样品,我们拒绝了他们的样品,但工厂说已经用到了大货,我通知工厂绝不能使用这种口袋布,如果使用了这种口袋布,意味着他们完全没有质量意识,我们的QC最后将不会签发质量合格报告,由于我们的坚持,工厂最终发来了新的样品,并告诉我们他们将更换成品上的不良口袋布;第六,关于黑色色差问题,6月20日工厂通知我们,说我们的QC在大货中发现了两种色调,我们询问工厂这两种色调如何剪裁,开始工厂的回答是按照小包装剪裁,能保证每个小包装的服装都是一个颜色,后来才知道工厂把有色差的布都裁到8码和10码上了,我们对有色差问题的360件成品要求30%折扣,我与工厂的跟单员Glory和工厂老板Ms.Lu通过电话,工厂老板非常生气,她认为面料是从我们指定的供应商处采购,作为服装工厂他们很无辜,应该是面料工厂承担面料色差的责任,工厂老板还说如果我们坚持30%折扣,她将扣留成品,经过劝说她只接受10%的折扣,后来Lisa又发了一封邮件劝说工厂,最终工厂同意对有问题的360件成品给予20%的折扣;第七,6月30日Jin发来了QC报告,大货中发现了两个问题,一是90%的扣眼不在口袋中心,二是大约70%的口袋开口出现弯曲,工厂跟单Glory说口袋开口出现弯曲可以调整,但扣眼问题无法解决,我们已经通知工厂,将扣眼问题分成A、B、C、D四个等级,并分别给出照片和数量;第八,我们现在很担心PO#053310+053311这两个订单的质量,已发邮件给Jin,请他将验货报告发过来;最后,我们已经通知我们的船务部和服装厂,没有我们的确认,Nollbadi工厂不许发货。
Hi Mas,
1.On Apr.19th we sent to Nollbadi:
1)PO#053209,L949P/E535(744pcs),STO04,destination TBC,ETD date is July 11th,CXL date is July 29th.
2)PO#053210,C034P/E360(2992pcs)+PO#053212,C034P/E540(1464pcs),USA stock,ETD date is July 11th,CXL date is July 29th.
3)PO#053211,C034/E537(480pcs),USA stock,ETD date is July 15,CXL is Aug.15th.
2.On May 13th,PO#053209,L949P/E535(744pcs)split to po#53209A,184pcs,Canada stock,ETD date is July 5th,CXL date is Aug 5th;PO#053209,L949P/E535,560pcs,USA stock,ETD date is July 11,CXL date is July 29.
3.They reluctant to fetch the fabric from our mill.The first fabric is E537,the fabric is ready for fetching on Apr.16th,after we sent them the PO,we push them to fetch the fabric,they didn't listen and reply,on Apr.29th,they replied that before they see our original sample,they will not pick any fabric.After May holiday,we push them again,finally they pick up the fabric on about May 10th.
4.Bad parcel delivery.The parcel from this vendor usually takes 4~6 days arriving at our office by different post agent,they seem not know how to send parcel by international express.
5.Bad pocket lining K317#148,for PO#053212,C034P/E540(1464pcs)and PO#053211,C034/E537(480pcs).On May 30th,they sent very poor K317#148,we rejected,they told us they already used on our bulk garment,we told them again and again they can never use the very poor lining on our garment,if they use that lining,it means they totally have no quality concept and our qc would stop them at final inspection,finally they sent new sample for approval,and told us they change the bad lining.
6.Color shading for PO#053212,C034P/E540,Color black(1464pcs).On June 20th,vendor told us our QC inspected the goods,and found there are two colors in this PO,when we ask how they cut,firstly they told us by pre-pack,when we saw the QC report and asked her again,she told us they cut the 200pcs wrong color in size 8 and size 10.Then we asked 30%discount for affected 360pcs,and I called Glory and the boss Ms.Lu,when I called Ms.Lu(the boss),she is very angry,she said that the fabric is bought from corwik nominated supplier,she is innocent,fabric mill should take the responsibility,and corwik should take the responsibility.She even said if we asked 30%discount,she will hold all our pos in her factory without deliver.After persuading,she accepted 10%for 360pcs.Lisa wrote a long e-mail to them,and finally they accept 20%discount on June 30th.
7.POs#053209+PO#53209A.On June 30th,Jin sent us report that these two pos have quality problems,main problems are button hole position is not in the center of the pocket,the quantity is about 90%;Second problem is the back pocket open is curving,it is about 70%.And the goods is sub-contracted.I called Glory,she told me our QC already told her.The back pocket curving can be adjusted.The button hole problem could not be repaired.I told her to classify the garment with problem of button hole into A.B.C.D four grade,take photo for each,and let us know the quantity of each grade.
8.We worry about quality for PO#053310+PO#053311,and sent e-mail to Jin for QC report.
9.We informed shipping department,and I called vendor,without our confirmation,Nollbadi could not ship the goods.
If anything unclear,let me know.