摘要:处于急剧转型之中的现代化中国,乡村治理结构面临历史性的深刻变革:农村土地制度如何深化改革、乡村主体等“空心化”问题如何应对、基层腐败的治理与基层治理结构转型、 “上访维稳困境”的制度性化解、新型城市化中农民工融入、农民工返乡后的乡村产业转型与振兴等,都是基层乡村治理必须直面的重大现实问题。只有构建多元主体共商共建、协同治理的制度体系,最终形成自治、法治、德治相得益彰的治理格局,才是实现乡村治理现代化的制度之路。
Abstract:Situated in a rapid transformation,modern China comes to a critical moment as its rural governance structure faces a historical and profound challenge.Problems related to the rural land system,local cadres and migrant workers have fundamentally challenged the previous rural governance structure. This paper argues that to modernize the rural governance,cooperative governance system with the participation of multiple subjects should be built on one hand,and the principles like self-government,rule of law, and the rule of virtue should be formed on the other.
Keywords:Rural Governance;Institutional Problems;Structural Transformation;Cooperative Governance