To swear to the bishops that he was devoutly attached to the English Church,while he knew he had bargained it away to the King of France;and by cheating and deceiving them,and all who were attached to royalty,to become despotic and be powerful enough to confess what a rascal he was.Meantime,the King of France,knowing his merry pensioner well,intrigued with the King's opponents in Parliament,as well as with the King and his friends.
The fears that the country had of the Catholic religion being restored,if the Duke of York should come to the throne,and the low cunning of the King in pretending to share their alarms,led to some very terrible results.A certain DR.TONGE,a dull clergyman in the City,fell into the hands of a certain TITUS OATES,a most infamous character,who pretended to have acquired among the Jesuits abroad a knowledge of a great plot for the murder of the King,and the re-establishment if the Catholic religion.Titus Oates,being produced by this unlucky Dr.Tonge and solemnly examined before the council,contradicted himself in a thousand ways,told the most ridiculous and improbable stories,and implicated COLEMAN,the Secretary of the Duchess of York.Now,although what he charged against Coleman was not true,and although you and I know very well that the real dangerous Catholic plot was that one with the King of France of which the Merry Monarch was himself the head,there happened to be found among Coleman's papers,some letters,in which he did praise the days of Bloody Queen Mary,and abuse the Protestant religion.This was great good fortune for Titus,as it seemed to confirm him;but better still was in store.SIR EDMUNDBURY GODFREY,the magistrate who had first examined him,being unexpectedly found dead near Primrose Hill,was confidently believed to have been killed by the Catholics.I think there is no doubt that he had been melancholy mad,and that he killed himself;but he had a great Protestant funeral,and Titus was called the Saver of the Nation,and received a pension of twelve hundred pounds a year.
As soon as Oates's wickedness had met with this success,up started another villain,named WILLIAM BEDLOE,who,attracted by a reward of five hundred pounds offered for the apprehension of the murderers of Godfrey,came forward and charged two Jesuits and some other persons with having committed it at the Queen's desire.
Oates,going into partnership with this new informer,had the audacity to accuse the poor Queen herself of high treason.Then appeared a third informer,as bad as either of the two,and accused a Catholic banker named STAYLEY of having said that the King was the greatest rogue in the world (which would not have been far from the truth),and that he would kill him with his own hand.This banker,being at once tried and executed,Coleman and two others were tried and executed.Then,a miserable wretch named PRANCE,a Catholic silversmith,being accused by Bedloe,was tortured into confessing that he had taken part in Godfrey's murder,and into accusing three other men of having committed it.Then,five Jesuits were accused by Oates,Bedloe,and Prance together,and were all found guilty,and executed on the same kind of contradictory and absurd evidence.The Queen's physician and three monks were next put on their trial;but Oates and Bedloe had for the time gone far enough and these four were acquitted.The public mind,however,was so full of a Catholic plot,and so strong against the Duke of York,that James consented to obey a written order from his brother,and to go with his family to Brussels,provided that his rights should never be sacrificed in his absence to the Duke of Monmouth.The House of Commons,not satisfied with this as the King hoped,passed a bill to exclude the Duke from ever succeeding to the throne.In return,the King dissolved the Parliament.He had deserted his old favourite,the Duke of Buckingham,who was now in the opposition.
To give any sufficient idea of the miseries of Scotland in this merry reign,would occupy a hundred pages.Because the people would not have bishops,and were resolved to stand by their solemn League and Covenant,such cruelties were inflicted upon them as make the blood run cold.Ferocious dragoons galloped through the country to punish the peasants for deserting the churches;sons were hanged up at their fathers'doors for refusing to disclose where their fathers were concealed;wives were tortured to death for not betraying their husbands;people were taken out of their fields and gardens,and shot on the public roads without trial;
Lighted matches were tied to the fingers of prisoners,and a most horrible torment called the Boot was invented,and constantly applied,which ground and mashed the victims'legs with iron wedges.Witnesses were tortured as well as prisoners.All the prisons were full;all the gibbets were heavy with bodies;murder and plunder devastated the whole country.In spite of all,the Covenanters were by no means to be dragged into the churches,and persisted in worshipping God as they thought right.A body of ferocious Highlanders,turned upon them from the mountains of their own country,had no greater effect than the English dragoons under GRAHAME OF CLAVERHOUSE,the most cruel and rapacious of all their enemies,whose name will ever be cursed through the length and breadth of Scotland.Archbishop Sharp had ever aided and abetted all these outrages.But he fell at last;for,when the injuries of the Scottish people were at their height,he was seen,in his coach-and-six coming across a moor,by a body of men,headed by one JOHN BALFOUR,who were waiting for another of their oppressors.
Upon this they cried out that Heaven had delivered him into their hands,and killed him with many wounds.If ever a man deserved such a death,I think Archbishop Sharp did.