Koku managed to make Tom understand that the dye inventor was in the main office of the Swift plant talking to Tom's father.The young inventor sent Mary home in his electric runabout in company with Ned Newton, who, fortunately, happened along just then, and hurried to his office.
"Oh, Tom, I'm glad you have arrived," said his father."You remember Mr.Baxter, of course.""I should hope so," Tom answered, extending his hand.He noticed that the man whom he had helped save from the fireworks blaze was under the stress of some excitement.
"I hope he hasn't been getting on dad's nerves," thought Tom, as he took a seat.The elder Mr.Swift had been quite ill, and it was thought for a time that he would have to give up helping Tom.But there had been a turn for the better, and the aged inventor had again taken his place in the laboratory, though he was frail.
"What's the trouble now?" asked Tom."At least I assume there has been some trouble," he went on."If I am wrong--""No, you are right, unfortunately," said Mr.Baxter gloomily."The trouble is that everything I do is a failure.Up to a little while ago I thought I might succeed, in spite of Field and Melling's theft of the formulae from me.I made a purple dye the other day, and tested it today.It was a miserable failure, and it got on my nerves.I came to see if you could help me.""In what way?" asked Tom, wondering whether or not he had best tell Mr.Baxter what he had overheard at the Inn.
"Well, I need better laboratory facilities," the man went on."I know you have been very kind to me, Mr.Swift, and it seems like an imposition to ask for more.But I need a different lot of chemicals, and they cost money.I also need some different apparatus.You have it in your big laboratory.That wouldn't cost you anything.But of course to go out andbuy what I need--"
"Oh I guess we can stand that, can't we, Dad?" asked Tom, with a genial smile."You may have free access to our big laboratory, Mr.Baxter, and I'll see that you get what chemicals you need.""Oh, thank you!" exclaimed the inventor."Now I believe I shall succeed in spite of those rascals.Just think, Mr.Swift! They have started a big new dye factory.""So I have heard," replied Tom.
"And I'm almost sure they're using the secret formulae they stole from me!" exclaimed Mr.Baxter."But I'll get the best of them yet! I'll invent a better dye than they ever can, even if they use the secrets the old Frenchman gave me.All I need is a better place to work and all the chemicals at my disposal.""Then we'll try to help you," offered Tom.
"And if I can do anything let me know," put in Mr.Swift."I shall be glad to get in the harness again, Tom!" he added.
"Well, if you're so anxious to work, Dad, why not give me a hand with my fire extinguisher chemical?" asked Tom."I haven't been able to hit on the solution, somehow or other.""Perhaps I may be able to give you a hint or two after I get settled down," suggested Mr.Baxter.
"I shall be glad of any assistance you can give," replied Tom Swift."And now I'm going to start right in.Dad, you can make the arrangements for Mr.Baxter to use our big laboratory.And let him have credit for any chemicals he needs.Have them put on my bill, for I am buying a lot myself.""I'll never forget this," said Mr.Baxter, and there were tears in his eyes as he shook hands with Tom, who tried to make light of his generous act.
Tom, after the wrecking of his laboratory, in which accident poor Eradicate was injured, had built himself another--two others, in fact, after having shared Mr.Baxter's temporary one for a time.Tom put up the most completely equipped laboratory that could be devised, and he also erected a smaller one for his own personal use, the main one being at the disposal of his father and the various heads of the different departments of theShopton plant.
The little conference broke up, and Tom was on his way to his own special private laboratory when there came the sound of some excitement in the corridor outside and Mr.Damon burst in.
"Bless my accident policy, Tom! what's this I hear?" he asked, all in a fluster.
"I'm sure I don't know," answered the young inventor, with a smile."What about?""About you and Mary Nestor being killed!" burst out Mr.Damon."I heard you fell in the aeroplane and were both dashed to pieces!""If you can believe the evidence of your own eyes, I'm far from being in that state," laughed Tom."And as for Mary, she just left here with Ned Newton.""Thank goodness!" sighed Mr.Damon, sinking into a chair."Bless my elevator! I rushed over as soon as I heard the news, and I was almost afraid to come in.I'm so glad it didn't happen!""No gladder than I," said Tom."We had to make a forced landing, that was all," and he made as light of the incident as possible when he saw the look of terror in his father's eyes.