ASTROLOGY, the Science of the Stars, in unison with the Science of the Soul, was, and still is, the one sublime center of real learning.It constituted the sacred fountain of living waters, from whose placid depths there rayed forth the Divine revelations of man, his whence, where, and whither; and under the careful conservation of a long line of gifted seers, it shone forth to the sons of men, as the sacred Hermetic light in the Astro- Masonic wisdom of Egypt's ancient priesthood.
It is not lost to us to-day.The same book lies open before us that faced our ancient forefathers.It is standing out clear and distinct, waiting to be read by the sons of men.We can learn its language, and from its pages, we ourselves can read our relation to God and our fellowman.Shall we not heed the whispering intuitions of the soul and place ourselves in conscious rapport with the whole?
This sublime Book of Wisdom was written by God Himself, to convey to His children the knowledge of His powers, attributes, and relation to allcreative life.We cannot see that Divine Spirit which we call God.No; but as long as the finite form exists as such, we will have the spirit's manifestations to learn from.Never will the Book of God be closed to the searching eye of the soul.There will always be presented to his vision lessons to study, and practical experiments to perform, to lead the soul into deeper mysteries.Until man fathoms his own universe, he cannot understand God."Know thyself" is as applicable to-day as when the famous, immortal and mystic utterance was inscribed on the porch of the temple at Delphi.
Before this wonderful, divinely elaborated, but complex system can be fully realized, it is necessary that the student should comprehend, very distinctly, the two states of existence, the internal and the external, and become familiar with the laws of correspondences.And it seems strange that of all Sciences, that of medicine should have so completely failed to grasp this living truth, since every atom of medicine administered, invariably acts upon this alchemical principle.When the human organism has become discordant in some of its parts, it is because the interstellar vibrations have aroused various states within the human kingdom into a condition of rebellion against the supreme will.Man's ignorance favors such seditious movements, and his general habits and code of morals stimulate them to undue activity.The final result is disease-- disorganization of the parts and functions, and those medicines corresponding TO THE SAME FUNCTIONAL DEGREE OF LIFEWITHIN THE GRAND MAN, cure the disorder, when administered properly and IN TIME, whereas, if given to the perfectly healthy organism, THE ATOMS PRODUCE SIMILAR SYMPTOMS TO THE DISEASESTHEY ALLEVIATE, because it is their mission to either subdue or be subdued, and when disease prevails the medicinal atoms, acting in unison with the natural parts and functions they affect, conquer or subdue the inharmony, and vice versa, as before stated.In all cases of disease and medicine, it is a simple question of A WAR BETWEEN THE ATOMS, and, therefore, the most potential forces within Nature are always at the command of the true Alchemist, because he knows bow and when to select his fighting forces, and when to set them in motion, for the best results.
Hahnemann, the founder of the Homeopathic system, has approached THE NEAREST to this alchemical truth, and as a consequence, we find it is in actual practice, the most natural, scientific, and successful system of medicine, yet given to the world; based, as it is, upon the well-known law of affinites, "Similia similibus curantur," "like cures like," being a very ancient axiom in the astrological practice of physic.
Bulwer Lytton, who had become thoroughly convinced of the great value and importance of uniting ancient Alchemy with modern medicine, makes the hero of his immortal story declare: "All that we propose to do is this: To find out the secrets of the human frame, to know why the parts ossify and the blood stagnates, and to apply continual preventives to the effects of time.THIS IS NOT MAGIC; IT IS THE ART OF MEDICINE, RIGHTLY UNDERSTOOD."It is a fact that, the molecules of the body are all changed within twelve months; that every cell in the human organism is born and grows to maturity within that space of time.Nature is absolutely impartial.She draws from the atmosphere that she may reproduce a fac-simile of everything she finds upon the surface of the body.So, if there be a sore, or festering ulcer, the atoms which are thrown off attract similar atoms, so as to reproduce the ulcer or sore, and thus prevent the disease from getting well of itself until it has worn itself out.
Further, every vein and canal throughout the entire body, from youth to maturity, is being coated with carbonate of lime, or lime in some form.The coating of the walls of the veins in such a manner, prevents the free circulation of the living matter; then, the real vitality of the food which we eat, is simply passed off through the pores, or through the bowels, or through the system, because it is unable to penetrate through the lime.
If that prevention which produces old age can be attained, then physical youth will continue.
The first step to take is to dissolve the lime in the body.Drink nothing but distilled water, in either tea, coffee, or any other form, and drink freely of the sweet juices of the grape and apple.
The food that we eat contains lime in a living form, and it is the living lime we need to build up the living bones, for the lime and the magnesiathat we take in the water is crystallized dead mineral, possessing no responsibility of life, and the lime in our food is quite sufficient for all purposes.For everything we take in excess, Nature makes us pay the penalty.
The first principle of long living is to keep all channels of the body perfect and free from coatings of lime.
The second is that of youthful ideals of the mind.The soul never grows old.