第9章 SCENE 2(3)
Col. Starbottle (who has been bowing and saluting with equal extravagance, during this speech--aside). Ged! she IS beautiful!
(Aloud.) Permit me er--er--Dona Jovita, to correct--Ged, I must say it, correct erroneous statements. The man who should--er--utter in my presence remarks disparaging those--er--charms it is my privilege to behold, I should hold responsible,--Ged! personally responsible. You--er--remind me of er--incident, trifling perhaps, but pleasing, Charleston in '52,--a reception at John C. Calhoun's.
A lady, one of the demnedest beautiful women you ever saw, said to me, "Star!"--she always called me Star,--"you've avoided me, you have, Star! I fear you are no longer my friend."--"Your friend, madam," I said. "No, I've avoided you because I am your lover."
Ged, Miss Jovita, a fact--demn me. Sensation. Husband heard garbled report. He was old friend, but jealous, rash, indiscreet.
Fell at first fire--umph--January 5th. Lady--beautiful woman--never forgave: went into convent. Sad affair. And all a mistake--demn me,--all a mistake, through perhaps extravagant gallantry and compliment. I lingered here, oblivious perhaps of--er--beauty, in the enjoyment of Nature.
Dona Jovita. Is there enough for your Excellency to share with me, since it must be my rival? See, the fog is clearing away: we shall have moonlight. (DON JOSE and MORTON seat themselves at table.)
Shall we not let these venerable caballeros enjoy their confidences and experiences together? (Aside.) Don Jose watches me like a fox, does not intend to lose sight of me. How shall I show the light three times from the courtyard roof? I have it! (Takes STARBOTTLE'S arm.) It is too pleasant to withdraw. There is a view from the courtyard wall your Excellency should see. Will you accompany me? The ascent is easy.
Starbottle (bowing). I will ascend, although, permit me to say, Dona Jovita, it would be--er--impossible for me to be nearer--er--heaven, than--er--at present.
Dona Jovita. FLATTERER! Come, you shall tell me about this sad lady who died. Ah, Don Culpepero, let me hope all your experiences will not be so fatal to us!
Morton (aside). A froward daughter of Baal, and, if I mistake not, even now concocting mischief for this foolish, indulgent, stiff-necked father. (Aloud.) Your only daughter, I presume.
Don Jose. My darling, Don Alexandro. Motherless from her infancy.
A little wild, and inclined to gayety, but I hope not seeking for more than these walls afford. I have checked her but seldom, Don Alexandro, and then I did not let her see my hand on the rein that held her back. I do not ask her confidence always: I only want her to know that when the time comes it can be given to me without fear.
Morton. Umph!