My Lord Ostermore, though puzzled, entertained no tormenting anxiety on the score of the search to which Mr. Caryll was to be submitted. He assured himself from that gentleman's confident, easy manner - being a man who always drew from things the inference that was obvious - that either he carried no such letter as my lord expected, or else he had so disposed of it as to baffle search.
So, for the moment, he dismissed the subject from his mind.
With Hortensia he entered the parlor across the stone-flagged passage, to which the landlady ushered them, and turned whole-heartedly to the matter of his ward's elopement with his son.
"Hortensia," said he, when they were alone. "You have been foolish; very foolish." He had a trick of repeating himself, conceiving, no doubt, that the commonplace achieves distinction by repetition.
Hortensia sat in an arm-chair by the window, and sighed, looking out over the downs. "Do I not know it?" she cried, and the eyes which were averted from his lordship were charred with tears - tears of hot anger, shame and mortification.
"God help all women!" she added bitterly, after a moment, as many another woman under similar and worse circumstances has cried before and since.
A more feeling man might have conceived that this was a moment in which to leave her to herself and her own thoughts, and in that it is possible that a more feeling man had been mistaken.
Ostermore, stolid and unimaginative, but not altogether without sympathy for his ward, of whom he was reasonably fond - as fond, no doubt, as it was his capacity to be for any other than himself - approached her and set a plump hand upon the back of her chair.
"What was it drove you to this?"
She turned upon him almost fiercely. "My Lady Ostermore," she answered him.
His lordship frowned, and his eyes shifted uneasily from her face. In his heart he disliked his wife excessively, disliked her because she was the one person in the world who governed him, who rode rough-shod over his feelings and desires;because, perhaps, she was the mother of his unfeeling, detestable son. She may not have been the only person living to despise Lord Ostermore; but she was certainly the only one with the courage to manifest her contempt, and that in no circumscribed terms. And yet, disliking her as he did, returning with interest her contempt of him, he veiled it, and was loyal to his termagant, never suffering himself to utter a complaint of her to others, never suffering others to censure her within his hearing. This loyalty may have had its roots in pride - indeed, no other soil can be assigned to them - a pride that would allow no strangers to pry into the sore places of his being. He frowned now to hear Hortensia's angry mention of her ladyship's name; and if his blue eyes moved uneasily under his beetling brows, it was because the situation irked him. How should he stand as judge between Mistress Winthrop - towards whom, as we have seen, he had a kindness- and his wife, whom he hated, yet towards whom he would not be disloyal?
He wished the subject dropped, since, did he ask the obvious question - in what my Lady Ostermore could have been the cause of Hortensia's flight - he would provoke, he knew, a storm of censure from his wife. Therefore he fell silent.
Hortensia, however, felt that she had said too much not to say more.
"Her ladyship has never failed to make me feel my position -my - my poverty," she pursued. "There is no slight her ladyship has not put upon me, until not even your servants use me with the respect that is due to my father's daughter. And my father," she added, with a reproachful glance, "was your friend, my lord."He shifted uncomfortably on his feet, deploring now the question with which he had fired the train of feminine complaint. "Pish, pish!" he deprecated, "'tis fancy, child -pure fancy!"
"So her Ladyship would say, did you tax her with it. Yet your lordship knows I am not fanciful in other things. Should I, then, be fanciful in this?""But what has her ladyship ever done, child?" he demanded, thinking thus to baffle her - since he was acquainted with the subtlety of her ladyship's methods.
"A thousand things," replied Hortensia hotly, "and yet not one upon which I may fasten. 'Tis thus she works: by words, half-words, looks, sneers, shrugs, and sometimes foul abuse entirely disproportionate to the little cause I may unwittingly have given.""Her ladyship is a little hot," the earl admitted, "but a good heart; 'tis an excellent heart, Hortensia.""For hating-ay, my lord."
"Nay, plague on't! That's womanish in you. 'Pon honor it is!
"What else would you have a woman? Mannish and raffish, like my Lady Ostermore?""I'll not listen to you," he said. "Ye're not just, Hortensia. Ye're heated; heated! I'll not listen to you.
Besides, when all is said, what reasons be these for the folly ye've committed?""Reasons?" she echoed scornfully. "Reasons and to spare! Her ladyship has made my life so hard, has so shamed and crushed me, put such indignities upon me, that existence grew unbearable under your roof. It could not continue, my lord,"she pursued, rising under the sway of her indignation. "It could not continue. I am not of the stuff that goes to making martyrs. I am weak, and - and - as your lordship has said -womanish."
"Indeed, you talk a deal," said his lordship peevishly. But she did not heed the sarcasm.