Wenzhou which is famous for its more developed area economy,is foreland of market economy in our country. Lately,Wenzhou pattern of Cultivating Young talents for the competitive Sports shows its own features. This dissertation,by means of such research methods as literatures,qualitative study, field survey,case study,statistics,surveys and analyses the Wenzhou athletic talents'Cultivation pattern. The conclusions are as follows:
Wenzhou pattern of Cultivating Young talents for the competitive Sports is such a pattern under the influences of Wenzhou area economic pattern and the education run by the local people,utilizing multifold powers to invest in cultivating young talents for the competitive sports characterized by various investment subjects and forms;running a school according to the necessaries and by folk with the features of different cultivating subjects and forms;aiming at the culture education,developing features of sports,actively combining sports with education;giving priority to the utility,paying attention to the benefit,exerting the advantages of human resources,extending the development of sports form the point to the whole;and taking the lead in reforming and establishing young talents'cultivation system with various types so as to promote the rapid development of area sports.
Some significant factors lay the solid foundations for Wenzhou pattern, which are Area economic development,particular market economy surroundings,civilization tradition,humanism inspirit and fleetly growing education. The formation of this pattern contains three phases(gestation,upgrowth,progress),and each has different characteristic.
With the further development of the market economy,some strategies and approaches in the development of Wenzhou economy have been trans-formed into the fields of sports and education. Therefore original government-oriented investment pattern has been changed,and turned into multi-ele-ment one such as government,community strength,corporation,individual and family. Wenzhou's Sports Human Resources cooperated and became featured. Wenzhou people's inspirit was clearly showed.
Wenzhou pattern of Cultivating Young talents for the competitive Sports, its system and circulating elements is the unity of both planned and market economy. Although the training mostly depends on government scheme,market mechanism presents his powerful vitality gradually and takes more and more proportion.
The developmental trend of Wenzhou young athletic talents'Cultivation pattern is to encourage,lead and accommodate society and market to join the business,so that the organism——government leading,society autonomy, and market independence is formed. It takes schools as support to intensify the intercourse and the cooperation between schools and also the Sports socialization;takes clubs as new form to extend the interface and consummate amateurish training Network.
Key words Area economic development,sports talents,Cultivating Young talents for the competitive Sports,Wenzhou pattern