第3章 最后一封信The Last Relationship
I remember the first time we met;you were as cute as can be and then we started to play fight then you sat on me.You started to throw popcorn while I was going down the stairs and I came back to beat you up while you laid there.I saw you again on Valentine’s Day when I was a little shy,and didn’t know what to say.I remember the first time I asked you to come to my house with your brother;at first you didn’t want to because of my mother,father,and brother.When you came upstairs I was playing wit vane,I was hoping you were thinking—can I play with her?While you were sitting on my couch changing channels on my TV,I was staring at you hoping you wouldn’t catch me.Then we became all cool and started to play fight,you bit me and I bit you,and then we held each other a little tight.Then I remember our first kiss;you were sitting on the chair I was in front of you and stood there.But the moment had to last and you had to go and in my mind I was saying,“No,he can’t go!”
Then on March the 3rd you asked me to be your girl and I replied yes and we became a couple;I was hoping there would be no trouble.I always remember on a Sunday night you surprised me and said,“I LOVE YOU.”I asked you over and over and said don’t play.I replied to you and said,“I love you too always.”
Then two months past,you said you wanted to leave so I said don’t worry just stay calm.So later on,we were going our way,but sometimes we had our bad days.It was about our 4th month we had planned a day so we went out,but we had a big argument and didn’t know what to say.Then the date finally came.You called me a bitch,so I got up and walked away.I walked away and stood behind a wall then I just thought“God please don’t let this relationship fall.”As a tear dropped from my eye,you walked by and said,“Baby I’m sorry,please don’t cry.”So finally we went home and you kissed me and I told you to go.You made new friends and went out and do you know I sat there pissed,mad,and a kind of blue.So then I finally told you,you don’t need me and I don’t need you.So you said let’s just take a break 1 month,2 months then I felt like it went away.Then after a while you called me that you miss me,you love me and you want me.We talked for a while,I was being cold then you asked me again and I explained myself and then said no.So after that I wrote about a guy who stole my heart away as we said goodbye,he went his way and I went mine and here I am today.